Welcome to Sandhamns Värdshus!

Contact us for inquiries via email at info@sandhamns-vardshus.se or on telefon 08-571 530 51

Sandhamn lies as far east as you can go in the Stockholm’s archipelago, even though it only takes two hours

by boat from Stockholm’s city centre and 30 minutes from Stavnäs.

Take a trip for a day, stay at our B&B during the weekend or stay longer if you want. From the restaurant’s veranda or the beer garden, you can sit in the sun and look out over the sea while being served a delicious lunch or dinner.

At Sandhamns Värdshus, there’s a lunch menu or à la carte dinnermenu. In the pub, any day of the week, you can have both lunch and dinner.

We open the beer garden during the summer, when the crowds throng the harbour below and are almost within reach.
For companies we offer conference possibilities in a relaxed environment. Because the trip only takes two hours, one can easily come out during the day or stay over and continue meetings the next day, or enjoy a group activity in the archipelago.

You can book bed & breakfast or a whole weekend package, which includes a three-course dinner in our charming restaurant.

A warm welcome to our restaurant!

Phone: 08-571 530 51
E-mail: info@sandhamns-vardshus.se

Now we are closed due to renovation! Welcome back on February 20th

Book a table

Welcome to Ann-Marie and Lars with staff!